Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Zions 2009

Well, once again I accompanied Mark and Dave on the annual Zions trip. Dave lets me come along to make sure that all his young men can make it through. I'm a better indicator than Dave or Mark would be! Brian was also able to come, which was fun. This year we did keyhole again, and then scoped out Pine Creek slot canyon. Getting the permits was pretty much a miracle for Pine Creek. We arrived in line at about 6:15 a.m. and still there were no more left. However, Dave worked his magic with the lady behind us who said her husband and a bunch of friends were doing Pine Creek, but six of the twelve people on one of the permits didn't show up. We couldn't switch them without her husbands friend there however, and we didn't have a way to get ahold of him. We drove to the Pine Creek trailhead and luckily the group was just preparing to leave. Anyway, it all worked out in the end--the weather was perfect, and the trip was great!

The water was cold and STINKY! I felt a little bit like I was swimming through the sewer. What could be more fun?

This is me, happily posed for a repel down into the cold water.

This is me, unhappily showing off the hair that Dave was obliged to saw off with his leatherman knife after it got sucked into my atc with the rope. Luckily I was about a foot off the groung so he was able to reach it and cut it off. Lesson learned: always tie your hair in a tight bun when repelling!

The view from the bottom of the canyon is pretty spectacular. Then again, Zions is pretty spectacular no matter where you are.

This was our last repel--100 feet of freefall, without even a cliff to steady your feet on. The worst part was dropping off the edge and having nowhere for your feet to go. I had to stare straight agead and inch my way slowly down, unlike Brian who flew down so fast his hand blistered through his leather glove. The trip was a lot of fun though, and I would highly recomend Pine Creek for those who like short, intense, canyoneering.


Brian Porter said...

You put a picture of me online with my shirt off? Thats it, we're fighting.

Allison said...

Darn, I was hoping that you would put the ones of Dave with HIS shirt off on here. He looks just like Gollum and that would be funny. I'm mean like that.

made sweet said...

this looks like so much fun

Jenny said...

Alli, this is mark, that is funny that you say that, because while wading through some freezing pools we looked back, and there was Dave, perched on a rock all hunched over staring into the water and screaching "nooo! I want a wet suit!" and we all agreed it was very Gollumesque. He did have his shirt on his head like a turban, so more like an Arabian Gollum. And Brian, why do you think I kept my shirt on the whole time? Let's just say my brothers are partially justified in calling me an ewok.

Melissa said...

This hike looks like quite the adventure (too much cold water and steep drops for my taste - but fun if I were young). Don't worry Brian.....I think a "farmer's tan" just looks hard-working and responsible.

Mandy and Brian said...

Good news Brian, my mom thinks you are responsible!

Mandy and Brian said...

P.S. Mark, aren't ewoks covered in hair? Unless I am mistaken and you have suddenly developed a way to grow chest hair I'm pretty sure you don't look like an ewok...maybe one that has been waxed?

Unknown said...

haha, good point, I think they are referring to my big cheeks, tiny eyes, and somewhat short roundish figure. Hey! the other day I totally had a chest hair, but checking right now, I seemed to have misplaced it...
Don't tell my brothers about the waxed ewok comparison, they'll laugh and start calling me that and I'll never get them to stop.

Brian Porter said...

Too bad its not a real farmer's tan. Working on a farm would be much more responsible and hard-working than working for Provo City as i currently do but thanks for the vote of confidence! Oh yeah and Mark, if you think that I will be able to forgot the waxed ewok reference, or the much worse waxed ewok mental picture, you are very wrong my friend.